Back to the rice cereal-Oliver was very interested from the beginning. None of this "If your baby isn't interested in food, try again on another day."As soon as he saw the cereal on the spoon, there was no looking back for Oliver. He was grabbing the spoon and trying to put it in his mouth all by himself-albeit with limited success. Oliver loves to grab the end of the spoon with his hand and really experience the food. We have tons of first food pictures and will spare you all most of them.
He still loves the rice cereal but is a little distracted by sitting in the Bumbo and trying to figure out what is around him. Hopefully, we can move onto the high chair soon. Oliver continues to require a complete wipe down after breakfast but we are getting better at getting the food in the mouth rather than hands, arms, and legs.
Here are a few more pictures to document the milestone:
So cute!!!